A Series of Dialectics Between Two Sisters

The Netflix Dialectic

Philosophical Dialogues

Sofia Storia
2 min readApr 23, 2022


Photo by Juraj Gabriel on Unsplash

“Are you sure you want these? It can be time-consuming to…” Athena said, clutching tighter at her hardcovers.

“I know he’s not easy to understand. These books aren’t for everyone.” The boy retorted and placed a tenner in her hand.

After he left, she couldn’t help but feel as though she’s robbed the boy of his weekly or monthly allowance — whatever his mom was giving him. Tala later sensed her unease.

Tala: You’d rather he played RPGs? Allow him to choose his escape.

Athena: Reading Hegel is barely a way to achieve that. Though, I feel a sense of comfort in knowing he’ll eventually come to that. He’ll have learned through this experience that…

Tala: Kierkegaard’s individualism is more practical?

Athena: I hope so. I hope he makes that leap if he hadn’t already.

Tala: He sounds like a natural Kierkegaardian to me. Not conforming to what other kids his age ought to be doing.

Athena: I suppose. Personal truths are subjective.

Tala: One can even say that deciding to read Hegel is a very Kierkegaardian thing to do, not utterly devoid of passion and…



Sofia Storia

A chronicler-entrepreneur-governess, I mostly scribble tales of psycho-philosophical nature here...