The Insomniacs — Part II

Sofia Storia
6 min readMar 11, 2023

Philosophical Fiction

Photo by Alicia Steels on Unsplash

Ruby woke up early in the morning, feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep. She got out of bed feeling energized and ready to start her day. It was a rare feeling for her, as she was used to tossing and turning all night unable to quiet her thoughts. But last night was different. She talked with Jenny on the phone, planning their next adventure. They both fell asleep midway conversation.

She went through her usual routine of jogging, showering, getting dressed, and making breakfast. As she sipped her coffee, she thought about the conversation she had with Jenny. They had been preparing for a trip to England, but Jenny had changed her mind and suggested adding the Swiss Alps to their bucket list. Intrigued by the idea, she decided to do some research on it later. She made a mental note to call Jenny and discuss their new plan.

After breakfast, she went about her day as usual, running errands and taking care of her responsibilities. But her mind kept drifting back to the conversation with Jenny. As she stared out of the window at the grey skies outside, she couldn’t help but feel excited about the idea of traveling again. She had been feeling cooped up in her small apartment for years, and the thought of getting away somewhere had been gnawing at the back of her mind. At least this time, they’ll be off somewhere she and her…



Sofia Storia

A chronicler-entrepreneur-governess, I mostly scribble tales of psycho-philosophical nature here...